Thursday, July 19, 2012

Blog assignment for week 4/ Who Am I as a Communicator?

I was amazed that the two evaluations were almost completely on track with my evaluation.  My sister and her daughter worked as a team and the young woman who lives next door did my evaluations.  Both evaluations were extremely close, the listening styles profile were the same, the verbal aggressiveness scale were the same and the communication anxiety inventory were within two points on their part.
This surprised me, it shows that I do work hard at being an approachable person and try to maintain a balance of respect and consideration for others’ viewpoint or opinions.  I am not always comfortable in all settings of communication but it is not something that gives me worries.
I am a people-oriented person, I was sure of that and the evaluations confirmed this.  I am a people watcher and like to participate in discussions, preferably a one-on-one or face-to-face but will participate in groups. 
I have less problem speaking in large groups than I do in small groups.  I have done some public speaking, having to speak to churches raising funds for support when I went to Africa.  I spoke to churches from 50 to 400, it was a good experience and I learned to be comfortable in front of people.  This is in line with the description that I am comfortable in some contexts and not so much in others.
My listening skills will make me a better teacher and supporter of families.  I have a heart for children and their families, to build relationships with them.  My problem comes when I put too much trust in people and do not have as good of judgment in situations that call for more objectivity.   
·  Rubin, R. B., Palmgreen, P., & Sypher, H. E. (Eds.) (2009). Communication research measures: A sourcebook. New York: Routledge.

·  Rubin, R. B., Rubin, A. M., Graham, E. E., Perse, E. M., & Seibold, D. R. (Eds.) (2009). Communication research measures II: A sourcebook. New York: Routledge.


  1. Barbara,
    It is great that you are comfortable talking to groups. That is one of my goals. I think that this assesment helped us all to find out the little things that we might be able to change that would make a big difference.

  2. Hi Barbara, I am happy for you that you did so good in the communication evaluation. I get nervous when I speak in front of a large group of people. My mouth gets really dry and I start producing alot of oil on my forehead. I am also a people person and I know that during this course it will and has helped me to be a better communicator so that one day, I can speak in front of large groups.

  3. Barbara:
    My family evaluated me very similar to how I evaluated myself! I guess you and I are not hard to figure out when it comes to communication :). I am opposite of you-- I prefer small group speaking as opposed to large group speaking. I do envy you and your ability to speak in large groups. Great post!

  4. Hi Barbara,
    I too found this assignment very interesting. My results were very similar to that of the 2 people who evaluated me-my husband and a friend. What surprised me is that they ranked my communication anxiety lower than I did which made me think that regardless of my own insecurities and anxiety, it does not come across that way to others which I found interesting and that I am probably harder of myself than I should be! :) Thank you for sharing your insightful blog. I know that your experiences around the world and with children and families have no doubtedly helped you become a people person and an effective communicator!

  5. Barbara,
    I would have never guessed that you are not comfortable speaking in a small group setting based upon your excellent communications here. I agree with you about the benefits of listening skills in our field.

    Thank you for sharing!

