Saturday, October 1, 2011

Blog Assignment for October 1, 2011

What specific section(s) or information seemed particularly relevant to your current professional development? SAVE THE CHILDREN has been involved in the USA setting up 84 sites in 11 states. The emphasis on the connection between parents reading to their child and those who do not have a positive impact on helping their child learn. There is a wealth of information concerning early childhood education and its importance. For me, their emphasis on training teachers to teach effectively reading programs and developing materials for families to use is a highlight. I want to teach young teachers effective methods of teaching little ones to read and to have a desire to learn.
Which ideas/statements/resources, either on the website or in an e-newsletter, did you find controversial or made you think about an issue in new ways? I was aware of the literacy programs in Africa but was not informed of the literacy programs in the USA. Their website tells of 16,000 children in the USA participating in their literacy program in the year of 2010.
What information does the website or the e-newsletter contain that adds to your understanding of how economists, neuroscientists, or politicians support the early childhood field? The list of members of their board can be found on their Board of Members link on the website. Every board member is either an education or a business man. This shows me that SAVE THE CHILDREN is supported by many sectors outside of Early Childhood Education.
What other new insights about issues and trends in the early childhood field did you gain from exploring the website or e-newsletter? I did not realize the extent of operation and service that SAVE THE CHILDREN serves throughout the world. Assisting families in crisis is a first step in touching those families to educate them to the importance of education for their children and in developing literacy and early childhood programs.
SAVE THE CHILDREN retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Barbara you have great goals. Literacy is seems to be taken for granted. Many children are still being passed through programs without grasping basic concepts.
    thanks for the post
