Saturday, March 19, 2011


My mother died when I was four leaving no memories of her.  Except that she was a school teacher in a rural setting and everyone spoke highly of her.
My father became a very angry person after her death.  He left many scars that had to be healed. 
My Grandfather, my dad’s dad was the kindest man, gentle, hardworking and treated everyone as if they were special.  During harvest time, I would get up at 4 a.m. and go out with him to milk the cows.  That time was mine and I treasured it.  He taught me how to can food, how to garden and how to be a quiet gentle person.  He shielded my siblings and me from much of my father’s anger.
My Aunt Elsie, my dad’s sister became our primary care giver.  She, along with Grandpa, kept the household together. She read to us in the evening and played games.  She gave her whole life to raising all of us. In the household there was Grandpa, Elsie, my cousin Jay, two of her younger brothers and my dad and four of his children. She taught me that no matter what the circumstances are be happy and work hard. 
My cousin, Jay, was a young teenager living in the household because his mother had died at his birth.  Jay was my best friend, he laughed with us, and he took us for rides in an old Model T car that was at the farm.  He taught me to enjoy life.
My brothers who are 2 and 3 years older took on some of Dad’s anger.  Even to this day they do not show much caring.  Last year, when I had breast cancer surgery, neither one of them came to see me.
Aunt Bertha, my grandfather’s youngest brother’s wife was another aunt that was very encouraging.  She always had the family Christmas at her house.  That was such a fun time.  She had other dinners and parties for us.  She was a very correctly gentle woman.


  1. Hi Barbara!

    Considering your circumstances I see you as a survivor of life! You have described some tough times but yet you are thriving today and I am sure you are an inspiration to many individuals. I believe through your story, it enables you to be open and understanding of other children who may have a situation similar to yours. You are definitely are an inspiration to all women for your battle with breast cancer.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Barbara,
    Your web touched my heart. You are a survivor of many things that would have probably set me back. I will keep you in mind as I struggle with some family issues.
    I too, thank you for sharing.

  3. Hi Barbara,

    Your web was very inspiring. I endured a lot as a child as well and only had a few family members I could turn too. I applaud your resiliency. You are truly a survivor and an amazing woman!!

  4. Hi Barbara,
    Your personal web really touched my heart. Don't feel like the lone ranger. Many of us go through hard times. I think that you are a very strong person and I commend you for that. Remember, God is with you at all times.

  5. Barbara,
    You are a truly amazing woman! Through all of your experiences, you have a wonderful understanding of some of the experiences your students come to school with. They are blessed to have you as a teacher.

  6. Barbara- I agree with everyone else, you are a true survivor. Your web really touched my heart.

  7. Thanks everyone, I am just me and I live for Jesus. I do know what it means to hurt and I do know what it means to be put aside. Therefore I want to use that to the betterment of my children/students.

  8. Looking back at your life, you are an extremely amazing woman. You could of have given up like many people do and blame it on the way you grew up, but you did the opposite. Taking your life back in your hands and claiming your positive future. "You go girl"
