Thursday, October 18, 2012

Start Seeing Diversity Blog: Creating Art

Pain, heartache, rejection
Where do I go for relief
Who cares for me
Who cares who I am
I look down the dark street
No one is there
I look up the dark street
No one is there
I see a light in the distance
I follow the light
Who answers the doorbell
A teacher who cares
A teacher who puts herself aside
To care for me, and all the others
A teacher, a person I can trust
A teacher who will listen
A teacher who will direct my learning
A teacher who will develop me
Into a person who will achieve
And learn to love
Thank you to all the teachers
                    Who care!!


  1. Barbara
    What a lovely poem! Reading your poem really helped me to appreciate how I impact the lives of children and families. How long have you been teaching, and where do you teach? Thanks for sharing your creative blog post!

  2. I love your poem! You gave me some ideas to help my students learn to express their selves through art. I am not so creative when it come to art. I was not sure how to really do this assignment. I really like the way yours turned out.

    Thanks again
