Monday, September 17, 2012

Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation

· Your response to those who believe that early childhood centers should avoid the inclusion of books depicting gay or lesbian individuals such as same-sex partnered families

Why would you not include them in the classroom library!! Children need to know and be exposed the reality of life.  Two moms or two dads do not make for bad people, just a different idea of how they want to live their lives. Talking about the ways families are similar and ways they are different is important for children to experience.

· How you would respond to a parent/family member who informed you they did not want anyone who is perceived (or self-reported) homosexual or transgender to be caring for, educating, and/or interacting with their child.
I would approach the issue with thoughts from the video, “Start Seeing Diversity: Sexual Orientation” says validation for all the kinds of families is important for children understand.  There is no evidence of LGBT personnel being child molesters.  Keeping children safe is primary.  “Actions rather than suspicions are what protect children”(Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010, p100). Sexual orientation has no place in making the decision for the appropriateness for hiring a teacher.  Pointing out to the parent/family member there are people of all orientation whether it be heterosexual, homosexual, people of color or ethnicity are caregivers/teachers for children.  In the end, it is the parents decision if they want their child to be in the center.  

"Start Seeing Diversity: Sexual Orientation"(2009) Laureate Education, Inc.
Derman-Sparks, L., & Olsen Edwards, J. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: NAEYC


  1. Barbara
    I love that you included Edwards and Sparks’ quote in your blog post. “Actions rather than suspicions are what protect children.” I agree one hundred percent! Suspicions are assumptions that only create learned bias, which inhibits children’s ability to interact in a multicultural world. Great post!

  2. I love the way you explained why books of same sex families should be included in the library. It is true that it's best for us to explain and have conversations in the classroom than for children to be mislead about the way people prefer to live their lives. Just a way for assumptions and stereotypes waiting to happen. I guess for books to be added that show the difference and similarities it would have to be up to the school district.
