Thursday, June 7, 2012

Example of Ageism

What memory do you have of an incident when you experienced bias, prejudice, and/or oppression, or witnessed someone else as the target of bias, prejudice, and/or oppression? Keep in mind that one can encounter such incidents in real contexts, including online environments, as well as in fictional ones, such as movies, books, television shows, and the like.
When I filed for unemployment after leaving the last preschool, they appealed the unemployment. When we came before the judge, they agreed that everything I said about the incident was true.  Then she finished her statement by saying that she thought the problem came because I am older and allowed the children to call me “Grandma”.  Actually, I did not tell them they could call me Grandma but my granddaughter told them they could, but she is my real “Grandma”. 
·         In what way(s) did the specific bias, prejudice and/or oppression in that incident diminish equity?
I felt that there was age discrimination and I wish that I had asked the judge about it.  She said that the problem was my age.  I did not think as far as the children were concerned they looked at me less a person.  The mother of the child that gave me problems said she did not think that the children respected me as a teacher because I let them call me Grandma. 
I spoke to the director, asking her if she thought I should resign.  She laughed and said go home and sleep on it.  Tomorrow will be a better day.  I did not feel that the administration supported me.
·         What feelings did this incident bring up for you?
The feelings that surged in me: hurt, disappointment and anger.  I had interviewed with this particular school two other times and they begged me to come this particular time and teach there. I had not gone there before as they were not offering a living salary but this time was after the current preschool announced they were closing so I took the job.
·         What and/or who would have to change in order to turn this incident into an opportunity for greater equity?
I guess the greater opportunity for me was to return home and go to the doctor.  I knew that I hurt when I walked but had no idea it was as bad as it was.  I had surgery a soon as possible and spent time recovering.  Now I am looking for a job. 
I am not sure where the equity in the incident.  After I left they put in a young girl that was my assistant for two hours each week.  She lasted one month.  Then they brought in another young girl, I do not know what happened but my son and his wife pulled my granddaughter immediately.    My son told me that after I left, things really deteriorated and he did not want Hannah there.  Hannah had been there for 2.5 years and in that, time had nine teachers.
I think personally the equity for the school would be to replace the director and her site-director.  They played favorites with certain families and other families talked about them behind their backs. I do not know what happened but I know my son was going to resign the board but not until after he called for the resignation of the two.
Before going to this school, I worked at the school in Manhattan for 2.75 years.  There was an occasional staff-administration confrontation but never anything like in the last school.


  1. I bet the children adored you and adored calling you grandma! I'm sorry you had to fight unemployment and that your age played a factor. I'm also sorry you did not feel supported by your administrators. I will honestly say my administrators have the best interest of their employees and even though the pay isn't great--it's a great place to work!

    1. Rebekah,
      I adored the children and they knew it, even my difficult little boy. Pay for preschool teachers is never great but I have to say that the preschool I taught at in Manhattan paid me better than i had ever been paid.

  2. Barbara,
    That is a horrible case where people make judgements without knowing all of the facts. Your age had nothing to do with the situation and should have had no bearing on the decision. I imagine that having a "Grandma" at school made it easier for many children to begin preschool.
