Friday, December 30, 2011

My Early Childhood Friends

I have had to withdraw for a time to recover from a left hip situation. I will find out Tuesday, the third, as to when the surgery will be.
I will miss all of you. I pray God's blessings are each of you and that you will have good classes.


  1. Hi Barbara,
    I saw your name on my class list and wondered what happened because it wasn't there anymore. I'm sorry to hear that you have to have surgery. I hope it goes well for you and that you are feeling better soon. Take care.

    1. I am recovering, rehab has been hard and i have had lots of pain. I am back in class, the research class again.

  2. Hi Barbara,

    God's Speed and you are in my prayers!
    Take care.

  3. Hi Barbara:

    Good luck with everything. I really enjoyed being in class with you.

